Friday, April 18, 2008

Brief Encounter

Brief Encounter

After watching America's Next Top Model, like I do every Wednesday, I decided to watch something actually worth watching- "Brief Encounter" by David Lean. It is a simple but realistically honest story of an illicit romance set in 1945 Britain. From a chance meeting on a train platform, a middle-aged doctor (Trevor Howard) and a suburban housewife (Celia Johnson) enter into a quiet yet passionate love affair, knowing there's no possibility for a lasting relationship. The two meet every Thursday at a small café at the station to play out their doomed romance.
I have stressed myself out quite a bit, trying to describe how this movie made me feel. It is just a simple, beautiful, romantic, and yet practical story. Unlike most Hollywood movies, you can see the two characters falling in love before your eyes and it is completely believable, despite the fact their affair lasted only a matter of weeks. It makes you think twice about love, marriage, and obligation. Would their love affair be as interesting if they ended up together in the end?

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