Monday, February 23, 2009

Love: Melissa Manfull

Adam and I made the trek over to La Cienega Blvd. for openings on Satuday night. La Cienega is a street in LA that has in the last year or so become a sort of gathering spot for art galleries. On nights when a number of spaces are having openings at the same time, it is generally a zoo, great for people watching, a few laughs, catching up with friends, and some (free) drinks.
One of my favorite exhibitions of the evening was Melissa Manfull's "Tesseracts" at Taylor De Cordoba. These gorgeous ink on paper drawings were inspired by science fiction, gothic architecture, and mineralogy. This exhibition is up until March 28th.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. lovely art work! reading about the la cienega blvd art scene makes me a little sad, all the way out here in the vast artistic waste land that is orange county... ah well, i'll just have to live vicariously through you!

  3. very interesting drawings, I could just look at them for hours!

  4. I think that you art is so modern and wonderful, I would like to have the chance of read about you, it is one of the things that are so nice!
