Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Many, Many Thanks!

I just want to say thank you to all of those who came out to support us & Walk MS last Saturday at the "Love Bazaar". I enjoyed meeting all of our lovely, lovely vendors...despite how delirious I may have seemed. It was a lot of work, but worth every minute!
Due to deliriousness, I managed to not get as many photos as I would have liked. (I am hoping Kelsi at Stylesmith got some better ones!)
In the meantime...

Angela from Lave Me Soap Co., Sharon: Walk MS/ Love Bazaar Coordinator Extroidinare
Kelsi from Stylesmith, friend, and Erika from Kika's Fancy

Danni from oh, hello friend with Steppie from Designs by Steppie
Jewelry by Namaste Designs

*Additional photos from the event can be found here*

And a special thanks to our sponsors:
Dkrm Gallery (Thank you John!!!)
(p.s. there is an opening this coming Sat: Valentine's Day for their newest exhibition, "Joseph Rodriguez Flesh Life: Sex in Mexico City")
Western Bagels for their yummy yummy bagels
Trader Joe's, which kept our vendors happy and healthfully sustained throughout the day.

And even more thanks to those who contributed to our raffle & gift bags:
Smashbox Cosmetics, The Pig and The Peacock, Daisy's Petals, Salvaged Expression, Angie's Suds n' Such, Feathered Friends Mementos, Miss Knits, Silk Road Flowers, Paige's Beaded Designs, and KCM is Me.

*For those of you in the Los Angeles area, if you would like to walk, volunteer, or donate, please visit Sharon's personal Walk MS page:


  1. This was such an amazing experience! Thanks for having me!

  2. Looks like it was fun! Glad I could be of some help.

  3. You're the best. I couldn't have done it without you!
