Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hadley Holliday

Above "Bloodless Coup" by Hadley Holliday

Hadley Holiday is a Los Angeles-based painter who I've been lucky enough to become friends with over the last few years. I've loved her work ever since I first saw it five years ago, so much that I take every opportunity to get my hands on it. I once secretly saved a watercolored-wrapping paper she used to wrap a gift- it's framed on my wall now. We also love her sense of humor; above is a "painting tie" she made for Adam one Christmas as a Secret Santa gift.

She's in a group painting show this week at Andrew Shire Gallery (where Adam also recently showed). If you are in the Los Angeles area, come check it out. And check out the rest of her work here.

"West Coast Painters"
June 25 - July 25, 2009
Opening Reception
Thursday, June 25, 6-9pm
3850 Wilshire Blvd. #107

Jonnyka Bormann, Ted Green, Hadley Holliday, Joan Kahn, Pam Posey, Michael Salerno, and Hirotaka Suzuki.

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