Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Every Little Counts Giveaway!

I was so entirely pleased and flattered when Micaela at The Drifter and the Gypsy asked me to do an interview and a giveaway. Being a fan of her blog for awhile now, of course I agreed! So head on over there, take a look at her lovely blog, enter to win one of our most defining styles, "A Violent, Sensual, Sensitive Girl", and if you wanted to know more about me and Every Little Counts...well, you can do that too;)

Click here to win!


  1. Great interview, nice to finally put a face with the blogging and wonderful work. I'm finally wearing my Violent, Sensitive...shirt to a Psychedelic Furs concert on Tuesday. How appropriate!

  2. Nice interview Amy. I could actually hearing you "hmmming."
