we are leaving california!
so here it is- the big news. adam and i and every little counts are leaving los angeles. after 5 long years we are going back to brooklyn where we first met. the two of us are native new englanders, so the constant sun and warm weather of los angeles was just something we couldn't get used to. i know- some people like it. maybe most people like it. but i have a really hard time going throughout life with no change in the weather. i miss the seasons- fall, winter, spring, summer. i love them all. i miss the mark they have on your life. i miss being near our families. i miss too much.
but, this is not a bash on los angeles. there are definitely things i will miss. i will miss my amazing friends- new and old. i will miss morning hikes in griffith park, the ocean, the mountains, the semi- exciting celebrity sighting (donovan leitch, crispin glover, jonathon rhys meyer- a few of my favorites), cheap produce, wine tasting, the occasional party on a yaht or mansion in the hills (come on, you don't get much more LA than that), our huge apartment with a view- esp. my walk in closet!, eating al fresco, and i will say it again...our friends- you are the reason why it's been so hard to leave all along.
Good luck with the move! I think it's good to know when a place is just not for you. And now when you go back to New York, you'll appreciate it that much more!