Sunday, October 4, 2009


we leave for our cross country road trip tomorrow! after 6 years in LA, it's hard to believe the day has actually come, but we are going back home!

we will still be accepting orders, but we will be unable to process them until we are settled in brooklyn. once we get there, we will be launching the new fall/ winter line, "untamed youth". after that, we will not be taking anymore custom orders for "wild at heart". if you see something you like, you better snatch it up now.

because i am completely obsessed- i will be checking my email while we are out on the road, hopefully blogging, and definitely twittering. if you have any road trip suggestions- send me a message. we will be going up from LA to San Francisco and over on 80 to NYC. in my 2 previous trips cross country, i have never done this route so i am very excited.

follow our adventures on twitter!

i wish i could write more...but i have to get back to cleaning & packing. it's so painful to throw so much away!


  1. I am soo New York! You will love it. Be sure to go to Junior's Cheesecake in the Theatre District for coffee and cheesecake, it is THE best. The coffee is around $1 and you sip it and are shocked at how good it is!

  2. have a wonderful, adventure filled, safe trip!!
