Friday, December 18, 2009

 "although she feels she is a stranger in the house, she is not a stranger in this room. this room is her own, and it is the only place where she knows exactly who she is, and whom she is fighting against, and she would like to remain in it forever"
-shopgirl, steve martin

(photo courtesy of so much to tell you)

ok, and just a bit more from shopgirl-
"he continues his quest elsewhere for a single appropriate love with occasional dates, road trips, and flirtations, but he continues to care about mirabelle in a way that he cannot explain. his love for her is not the crazy love he expects to feel, the swinging delirious rhapsody that he has promised himself. this love is of a different kind, and he searches his mind for its definition"

that's it for the quotes- i didn't want to give too much away, but i truly love this story. it makes me feel warm inside.


  1. i like shopgirl too! have you seen the movie? jason schwartzman and claire danes are good in it.

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  3. wow, what a beautiful picture that is on top!
    very eery and peaceful.

  4. Great post...
    Gorgeous photograph!


  5. its book season huh?
    the quotes are great, i should read it one day.

  6. heartwarming for me too.

    "although she feels she is a stranger in the house, she is not a stranger in this room. this room is her own, and it is the only place where she knows exactly who she is, and whom she is fighting against, and she would like to remain in it forever"

    my favorite part.

    and the picture is beautifully inspiring too.

  7. It's funny that you post this now. I read Shopgirl over Christmas the year it came out.

    I will always think of it as "holiday" book. It helped get me through a difficult holiday season.

    Time for a reread? Jason S. made the movie for me!

  8. It's funny that you post this now. I read Shopgirl over Christmas the year it came out.

    I will always think of it as "holiday" book. It helped get me through a difficult holiday season.

    Time for a reread? Jason S. made the movie for me!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I love shopgirl (the book especially). And that photo is lovely.

    PS: I am pretty sure the dot/heart tights craze did happen in the 80s! I was really young but I have a vague recollection of them :)
