Ike's voice-over: "Chapter One: He adored New York City, He idolized it all out of proportion." Uh, no, make that: "He romanticized it all out of proportion. Now, to him, no matter what the season was, this was still a town that existed in black and white and pulsated to the great tunes of George Gershwin." Ah, now let me start this over.
"Chapter One: He was too romantic about Manhattan as he was about everything else. He thrived on the hustle-bustle of the crowds and the traffic.
"To him, New York meant beautiful women and street-smart guys who seemed to know all the angles." Nah, no...corny, too corny for my taste. I mean, let me try to be more profound...
"Chapter One: He was tough and romantic as the city he loved. Behind his black-rimmed glasses was the coiled sexual power of a jungle cat." I love this. "New York was his town. And it always would be."
-Woody Allen, Manhattan
mmm...never read it! but this little snippet makes me want to check into it. maybe after i finish persuasion & half broken horses :)