Thursday, January 28, 2010

jack pierson: desire, lust, romance


so... jack pierson- he's an artist & a photographer that i happen to get into from time to time. there is definitely more to pierson than what you see here, but these are a few of the pieces i was looking at when designing our first collection for Every Little Counts...that whole desire, lust, romance thing. we're coming upon our 2 year anniversary so i'm getting a little sentimental.

"Pierson’s work has long embodied sensations of nostalgia and melancholia, memory and loss."
-Cheim & Read


  1. I saw one of his pieces above someone's headboard on flickr from and elle decor shoot and fell in love. Until now I didn't know who the artist was! Thanks for posting.

  2. oh thanks for the tip i will def have to check him out!

    and congrats on the annivesary!!

  3. I love the light bulb letters in the last photo! reminds me of an old carnival...

  4. his work fits perfectly with your darling tees!

    happy (nearly) two years! yaay! xxxx

  5. I love the last photo, it reminds me of an old carnival too :).

  6. Seems like the guy knows how to wake up that feeling, he's special because not everyone knows how to do it.

  7. appreciate the time it takes! It is so nice to have such great.
    I wish not concur on it. some great photos, I think that it is just romantic and cute, so good to me because I am a sweet girl!
