Saturday, February 6, 2010

dreaming of faraway places...

(image via we heart it)

i used to really want a tattoo, and i used to want it to of  be flying birds on the back of my neck.  my mother always said she would kill me if i got one, and after she almost attacked me after getting my eyebrow pierced, i almost believed her. but those days of rebellion are long gone. the truth is i could never deal with the pain, and i change my mind about every two minutes.  how would i ever be able to decide on a design that would live on my body forever?  but i bet i would have looked pretty cool to my future grandkids! my grandma had tattoos you know, but she was the crazy grandma who had an affinity for lawn ornaments, wigs, and stuffed animals.  she must've been pretty tough back in the day.

(we also made a t-shirt here)
(image via we heart it


  1. Your blog is wonderful--I love the pictures you use. I know what you mean about getting a tattoo. I feel the same way

  2. i love this! i am the exact same way about tattoos haha i change my mind all the time so i don;t think it'd be a great idea for me. also my parents would murder me... hahaha great post and i love the last picture

  3. i love this collection of pictures. i used the bottom one for a post last month (i think it was last month...) and absolutely fell in love with the colors in it. you have a beautiful blog!

  4. I've always felt the exact same way about tattoos! Good to know I'm not alone in my indecisiveness. ;-)

  5. i love these photos,
    you r gma sounds awesome! i love my gma..shes a rockin one!
    and i love my tattoos but i didnt like them until i had a reason to get one. then another. i have 2 now. you sound like a smart girl.

  6. reading this reminds me so much of myself haha..
    I used to want a tattoo but couldn't imagine having to go through the pain..thankfully it was just a phase!!
    nowadays I think i'll just opt for those temporary ones if i get curious again :)

    eclectic du jour

  7. lovely pictures in this post! the first is so dreamy! i wish i could go far away from where i live too.

  8. i would love to meet your grandma.
    its unbelievable a grandma with tatoos!

  9. Oh I simply adore that shirt :) Thank you for the comment, they are Amy's enchiladas and are amazingly yummy. Lovely blog/shirts.
