Thursday, February 18, 2010

Gen Art New Garde 2010

WesFeld designers, Wesley Nault & Daniel Feld

 This post is about a week late...but better late than never. Last Wednesday, Adam and I braved the blizzard and trekked out to Drive-In Studios for the Gen Art New Garde show, which featured WesFeld (Project Runway alumns, Wesley Nault and Daniel Feld), NOMIA, GAR-DE, and Sophomore. Navigating through a crowd of stilletos and sipping on cocktails made it almost hard to believe there was a blizzard going on outside. On my way in from Brooklyn, on a virtually empty subway car, I was beginning to wonder if anyone would be there. But the place was packed.

WesFeld were the winners of the "Plastics Make it Possible" design competition, winning a $10,000 grant out of 15,000 applicants. The pieces were ethereal, whimsical, and beautiful and the models had me wishing I still had that hair crimper from the 80's.

The collection at NOMIA was the perfect combination of masculine meets feminine with a muted color palate, which I love. 

Upstairs it was scenester central as they were shooting the F/W lookbook for Sophomore on the spot. This is definitely where the energy was, and it didn't hurt that Whitney Port was there, along with the crew from The City filming just about every minute.  (That's Whitney above with the mile-long legs talking to designer, Chrissie Miller.)

Although it was tough to compete with the commotion over at Sophomore, GAR-DE definitely held their own with tough, layered, and sleek pieces that already has me excited for next winter.

Also spotted: Susie Bubble (love!), Kenley Collins (getting "celebrity" treatment....really??), and the Cobrasnake (haven't we had enough of him already?)

(...a special thank you to Dreams Sequins for the invite)


  1. nice pic!!Thanks for the comment!!your blog nice:)!!!

  2. Those dresses in the second picture are divine!!
    *And yes, you should head to your saver's and get your vintage fix!!
    I'm doing a little vintage giveaway on my blog, full of treasures from Savers, you should check it out!

  3. Looks like a great time! What a great way to spend a blizzard :)

  4. This looks like such a great time! I am really wanting a nude/beige dress about seeing these photos.


  5. so cool! I met the designer of NOMIA a little while ago...she was woking at In God We Trust...hmm, Yara, I think? she is sooo nice...great to see how her collection looks! Thanks for sharing these photos!
