Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Love Story

"Love Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry"

With a collection entitled  "A Girl in Love," how could we not reference "Love Story"? One of the greatest love stories of all time, a total sob-fest, and from one of my favorite decades ever- the 70's. And Ali MacGraw- she just nailed it- she is the image of the 70's, so beautiful and so natural in a way that we just don't see anymore- the stick straight long brown hair, parted in the middle, little to no makeup. She is a style icon- I've said so before, a lot of us have. Anyhow, watch this video with the sound on...the music kills me every time.

Another reason to love Ali MacGraw? She was married to Steve McQeen....who I am still crushing on, even if he is long gone. She also reminds me a little of my mom. So there. Here's the shirt we made because of her....


  1. cute. in times for valentines day.

    and love the post below too!

  2. you collect great reference material. i love this film! especially forthe clothes. i love watching ali mcgraw too. i blogged this back at the beginning of my blog i think. hate how things get lost in the blog...

  3. I've never seen Love Story! I really think I should, must go see it after these exams have finished...
