Tuesday, March 23, 2010

bogie & bacall

 Just an easy post today. I'm in the Phoenix airport right now on my way back home- vacation is over:( I will be sure to post pics tomorrow, but in the meantime here are some pics of one of my favorite couples- Humphrey Bogart & Lauren Bacall. I've always had a crush on Bogie, but I actually have a crush on both of them. I don't think you can get more stunning than Lauren Bacall.


  1. I like her, but I have sort of mixed feelings about her since I heard she thinks Written on the Wind is a bad movie... I adore Douglas Sirk, the movie itself and she was so beautiful in it!

  2. Our brainwaves have crossed again! I was watching The Big Sleep just last night! Their chemistry is just the TOPS! Have you watched Bacall's acceptance speech for the honorary Oscar she received this year? She's still got all the razzamatazz of a Dame! LURVE!

  3. Aww, that's so sweet! Swooning!


  4. I definitely have a crush on them both, too!

    Hope your trip was good!! xo

  5. I love them. I read Lauren Bacall's bio last year and she's one cool lady!

  6. watched To Have and Have Not again the other night - soo good. they're both so damn cool!
