Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Style Icon: Iona

Apart from Duckie, Iona is my favorite character from Pretty in Pink with her retro meets 80's, chameleon- like style.  I always hated the moment she went "straight" for Terrence, the pet shop owner, but I am trying to forgive her...if only because of this concocted pearl necklace bolo tie. But the 80's mom excuse. That's only one of my pet peeves about this movie, but despite my gripes, I could watch it over and over. It doesn't hurt that I have a huge thing for James Spader....


  1. Yes, yes and YES! Spader... RRRrrrr!

  2. Wow!! These photos are amazing!! I wish I could dress like this ;) So bold and creative! ahhh to live in another decade of time ;)

  3. ha, I love this post! nostalgia! :)

  4. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has grievances with Pretty in Pink. But like a sucker I keep watching it over and over. <3 James Spader, as well. ;-)

  5. IONA!!!! i'm partial to her wielding a staple gun with impressive precision...
    i think we all have tiny gripes with pretty in pink...don't we? but you know about my love of the Spader...
    Blane's wig in the prom scene is probably my biggest gripe. Duckie tossing cards into his hat whilst the Smiths play softly in the background - the most heartbreaking moment.

  6. I too have watched PIP many times over...just to see James Spader do his thing. Spader rules!!!

  7. OMG DUDE YES!!! I loooooooved Iona. And Steph was totes my poison. I know we're supposed to dig Blaine...but I was ALL about Steph!!!

  8. ah, stef...don't you just love that his name is "stef"?

    i still can't figure out why andrew mccarthy was cast as blaine...

  9. that part totally pissed me off. really she goes from mohawk to mom hair? ugh. but james spader is totally hot. i met him a while back and he is totally sweet too, which only made the lust worse. haha! he is so good at playing the bad boy though. yum.


  10. I kinda like the 80's mom hair!

    Takes a pretty sexy and confident lady to sport a do like that! Very Inez de la Fressange!

  11. I love her and I love how she has a completely different look every day. I think that second outfit is my fav.

    I just wish molly ringwald hadn't destroyed her beautiful prom dress!

  12. UM - She ONLY Got THE 80's Soccer-MOM "Hairdo" AFTER SHE STARTED TO DATE THE CONSERVATIVE GUY - Know your Movie BEFORE Leaving negative Remarks in the Post, PLEASE ..?!? Thank you!
