Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"my first new york" & and an obsession with parker posey

The book is a collection of candid stories from some of our favorite New Yorkers, talking about their experiences moving to New York. The reading last night featured 3 out of the 50 contributors: Parker Posey, Kara Walker, and David Rakoff. I admit I went because of Parker Posey. I'm a fan. No shame. She was totally my girl crush before "girl crush" was even a term that people used... we're talking 1993. I first saw her Dazed & Confused and I pretty much made a point of seeing all of her movies after that. 
 But it was really Party Girl that got me. It came out 2 years before I graduated high school and I was just aching to get out of MA and dying to move to New York. Which is funny, because this is sort of what the book is about- why people move to NYC and the weird/ awful/ amazing experiences we all have moving here, and why we stay. I think I just ended up rambling a bit on my love for Parker Posey, but the point is... the book is awesome and I love New York.

I was too much of a starstuck nerd to meet her or even get a photo last night. But she didn't disappoint... she was as sweet and funny and snarky as you wanted her to be.

You can still read some of the stories on, from Andy Sandberg, Maggie Gyllenhall, and Chloe Sevigny among lots of others.


  1. How brilliant!! I have never heard of this book, but I WANT to buy it!!! Such a great and wonderful idea for a book :) I love Ms. Parker Posey as well, can't wait to read her story ;)

  2. ooh, sounds like such fun! Parker Posey is so cute !!

  3. sounds like an interesting book. I would love to check it out.

  4. i love parker posey also! she's so funny in best in show. this book sounds great - i too moved from MA to NY, but came back to Boston. i'll have to check this out.

  5. oh...i love parker posey!
    i would have been too starstruck too!
    She is amazing in all the Christopher Guest talented!

  6. aaahhh, i SO wanted to go to this but i was stuck in the office! sounds like it was awesome. confession: parker posey's dazed & confused character inspired my ichat name. nerd alert! thanks for the recap.
