Monday, April 12, 2010


so i ultimately did not end up seeing "the exploding girl" this weekend. instead, i was busy with all sorts of other stuff- meeting up with my friend lindsay for happy hour (i should be the authority on happy hours in nyc by the end of the summer), driving around manhattan on a saturday (eek!) to recycle a broken tv, hanging out at my favorite french restaurant (bar tabac), wandering through ikea looking for lighting fixtures,  and meeting up with a friend i hadn't seen in awhile to do lots of talking and eating (chocolate chip strawberry walnut pancakes & a healthy banana shake- it was like heaven). 

but somehow in the midst of all of that, i watched three movies...
 a small painfully realistic film about a couple navigating their way through a long distance relationship, starring greta gerwig, the girl we all fell in love with in "greenberg"
ah, i miss the 90's... the 90's were all about eric stoltz & mary louise parker.
watching this has got me dreaming of an early 90's eric stolz indie movie marathon: sleep with me, kicking & screaming, killing zoe, bodies rest & motion- i haven't seen all of these in forever.
i forgot i had already seen it, but it was a sweet little movie to watch again. it didn't hurt that i have a small crush on brian f. o'byrne... he's irish and i like that.
it also stars marguerite moreau (shown above- so pretty!), naveen andrews (who i recognized from law & order, but i guess he's also on "lost"), and the sister of everyone's favorite girl crush, emily deschanel.


  1. Sounds like a very packed weekend, must check those films out, they look lovely.

    tweet tweet tweet


  2. I have the BIGGEST crush on Eric Stolz! Him and Alan Alda.
    (I know, I know)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. amy we have the same film taste! i loved "easy" and she easily became my girl crush. I had no idea that that was her sister, i thought it was her! BONES! lol *i had to erase my first comment cos i accidently wrote zoey and felt stupid! ha freudian slip?

    I immediately recognized "Sayid" from Lost cos i fancied seeing him in something other than the island ;)

    a sweet little movie indeed. I'm going to have to check out these others!

  5. Eric Stoltz! It was so weird to see him on Grey's Anatomy recently...! I totally should watch Nights and Weekends!!
