Friday, May 14, 2010

Top 5 with William Ashman

This week we have William Ashman, one of the owners of HAUS- a concept store located in Toronto, showcasing local and emerging designers.  I did a post not too long ago when all 3 owners of HAUS came out to Brooklyn for a visit... and I don't want to jinx it, but I think I just may have convinced them to bring HAUS to Bushwick. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
In the meantime, here are William's Tops....

Top 5 Films

1. Reality Bites - I will forever LOVE this film. I get so nostalgic whenever I watch it and I just LOVE how everything is so real in the movie. From the current issues in 1994 all the way to how normal smoking was in your living room. It gets me every time.

2. Bridget Jones Diary - I just love this movie. Its so funny yet so deeply true. I mean who can not relate to the opening scene where Bridget is drunk on red wine and feeling alone belting out Celine Dion? (although this version was actually not Celine)
3. American Beauty - I could watch this movie on repeat. I just love how weird and true the movie is and I am still looking for a boy like the one in the movie who apreciates the beauty of a bag blowing in the wind. Where are you out there?

4. Stepmom - I know this is cheezy but I love Julia and Susan together. This movie made me fall in love with Susan Sarandon all over again and I just love her endlessly.

5. You've Got Mail - I know I am crazy but I just love this story. The bookstore, the chatting online, the fact that they walk by each other without even knowing. I just love Meg Ryan too. I want my own "You've Got Mail" moment!

Top 5 Books
1. Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting - Lynn Grabhorn
This book forever changed my life at 22. I was reborn because I realized most of my thoughts were doing me a disservice.
2.  If You Have to Cry, Go Outside - Kelly Cutrone
Kelly Cutrone made me face my internal dialogue and this book changed my life at 30. I love Kelly Cutrone. She just gets it. Call me Kelly when you read this.
3.  The Law of Attraction: The Basic Teachings of Abraham-  Esther and Jerry Hicks. 
Any Abraham-Hicks books out ends up on my book shelf. The Law of Attraction is my religion. Not kidding. I love waking up in the morning freakishly happy. 
4.  The Journals of Sylvia Plath - Sylvia Plath
I love Sylvia's dark imagery and passion for love. She was such a gorgeous soul.
5. Mad Shadows - Marie Claire Blais 
This book is so gorgeously written by a Montreal-born author who wrote the book at 16 years of age- I believe in the 60s. It's so colourful, dark and yet very surreal.

Top 5 Artists
I love artists ongoingly and it changes over time. Sometimes everyday. I also think  the word artist can be for anything you're passionate about creating...
1. Cindy Sherman - Cindy's work is just to die for. I love photography that challenges beliefs around beauty. 

2. PJ Harvey - I love PJ Harvey forever.

3. Lady Gaga - I could watch Lady Gaga interviews all day (and I do). There's something about watching an artist speak about their process and Lady Gaga does this gorgeously. I love top 40 and could dance to it all day. I also love telling the world how much I love pop culture and it's great to see Lady Gaga expressing that as well.

4. Courtney Love - I have loved Courtney Love since I was 15. I seem to love public figures that outwardly appear stand-outish, but if you really listen to them, they're genius and have a lot of meaningful things to share. Courtney Love is genius.

5. Nigella Lawson - I am in love with food and consider cooking to be an art. I have every single book by Nigella and watch her show endlessly. I love her style, her approach and the sound of an egg cracking on her show.

Top 5 Crushes of All Time

1. Beau from Grade 4. You were my first crush. When you made me chase you around the playground with my shoe in your hand, I got that tingly feeling inside for the first time.
2. Jake Gyllenhaal - Lately I am all about his eyes.
3. Lindsay Lohan - I think Lindsay and I would have a really fun night out together;) Her style and smile give me that tingly feeling all over again.
4. The Boy in New York who stopped me in Club 57 and danced with me. You know who you are.
5.  Boys who show confidence, self-assurance, passion, and flavour and who love the intimate side of life whether its dining, dancing, strolling down Bleecker St. or just stopping to kiss. If that's you, I may have a crush on you.

Top 5 words to Describe Falling in Love...

     VISIT HAUS... 1265 Bloor St.,  Toronto

For more:
William on Twitter
HAUS on Twitter
HAUS & Every Little Counts in Brooklyn!


  1. Yes! Reality Bites!! Man I love that movie.

  2. Cheesy romatic comedies, PJ Harvey, Jake Gyllenhaal.. I feel the same way. :)

  3. Love this post, Great choices too!

    Re your comment: It's just down the road from my house, in Cheshire in England!

    tweet tweet tweet


  4. Reality Bites, man, now that's where it's at.

  5. Love this :)

    he has amazing choices!!

    Char x

  6. This is very inspiring! I'm going to check out Reality Bites in a minute (:

  7. Oooh... I'm wanting a movie-night with William. Popcorn and cocktails and Susan Sarandon next time he's in town, eh?

    Love that bit when Winona Ryder cracks up while holding her giant big gulp in the back of Stiller's car at the mere mention of Pi. I think about it every time I have to do any complicated math.

  8. aww you put you've got mail in there! i totally adore that movie.. now you make me want to see it again :) thanks! <3
