Tuesday, August 10, 2010

vintage update: holly hobbie

when i found this handmade dress in a thrift shop, i instantly thought of holly hobbie. i was all about holly hobbie as a kid. does this make me sound really old? probably.
and now come to think of it, this patchwork skirt is also very holly hobbie...


  1. My childhood room was full of these but I didn't know the name !

    So thank U !

  2. I had a Holly Hobbie sleeping bag. I am pretty much distraught that I don't know what on earth happened to it. Long live patchwork.

  3. tate.... a sleeping bag?! that is awesome. i had the lunchbox and the kitchen set. my dad stayed up all night long putting it together for me xmas eve. i think that was my best xmas ever. it was like magic.
