Monday, November 1, 2010

paris vs. new york

meanwhile, i wish i could say my blog absence was due to a very long visit in paris- but it wasn't. i've been very crazy moving into a new apartment, working, and reassessing life. exhausting really. but, i'm starting to feel a little less crazy, a little more settled, and ready to get back to every little counts. what has everyone else been up to? i feel like i have missed so much.


  1. You're back! Yay! I've missed your blogging. Those posters are hilarious, especailly the Godard and Woody set.

  2. Glad to see you back. Moving in NYC can make life hectic. Love this link! xx

  3. i love your blog too and am so glad you're back!

    where did you move to?

  4. I love these images! They are so right on.

    Hope your move went well and you're settled in nicely. ♥

  5. ..these are so nice! ha. Funny!
