Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Back in Los Angeles- and it's 85 degrees!

Waking up in Westfield, MA, the town where I grew up.
Jan.11, 2009. 30+ degrees with Freshly fallen snow.

Waking up in Los Angeles, CA, where I live now.
Jan.12, 2009. 80 + degrees and sunny.

Every Little Counts is back in LA, after almost an entire month traveling the east coast for the holidays: NY, NJ, CT, MA, NH, and VT. It has been an nostalgic and emotional whirlwind- seeing friends and family, visiting our favorite places, and relishing in winter weather. We left Sunday evening out of JFK after a snowstorm hit CT and MA the night before. I was very distraught to see that we were leaving cold and snow behind for 80 degree weather in LA.
I know a lot of people enjoy the sun and warmth of southern CA, but I would do anything to go back to the cold, yet cozy winter of the northeast.
Many more more pictures and posts from the trip to come...once I finish unpacking and filling orders for Every Little Counts.

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