Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Photographer, Uta Barth

“My primary project has always been in finding ways to make the viewer aware of their own activity of looking at something.”
-Uta Barth

white blind (bright red), 2002

untitled (nw11) from nowhere near, 1999

untitled (nw) from nowhere near, 1999

untitled (nw6) from nowhere near, 1999

Since I have been back on the east coast, I have found myself obsessively taking photos trying to capture the quiet dreamy gloom of winter. A lot of this is done while staring out of the car window...traveling, dreaming, reflecting.

I woke up this morning to another rainy day in New Haven, CT and it got me thinking about Uta Barth- one of my favorite photographers. I found a great article from db artmag, ""Spanning Time: A Conversation with Uta Barth".

"Barth allows the viewer to idle. It is in this idling that intimacy unfolds along with a way of looking that lets you span time."
Read more here


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  3. i'm doing a project on uta barth for art, and i just love her style. i'm not really familiar with her works though, so it's kind of hard to determine which photos on the net are actually her bona fide ones. thanks for uploading her pictures. it's a big help. she's such a wonderful photographer. :)

  4. I would like to be a photographer when I will finish my University!
