Saturday, October 10, 2009

roadtrip: day 3

we didn't have internet access last night, so we are now a day behind in our road trip blog adventures. so this is from yesterday...

we woke up in elko, nevada to hear word that we might be approaching snow. 6-12" of snow was expected to fall in parts of wyoming and nebraska- just where we would be headed. we had already woken up to frost on the car, but snow in october?! we were a little worried, but we still had to get through utah...

the bonneville salt flats, utah

me taking pictures of adam taking pictures at the bonneville salt flats.

driving along listening to the mojave 3...
"love songs on the radio, his sweetheart lies in bed, she's dreaming of the things he said, she's hoping that he's well"

approaching park city, utah...we felt as though we were in the sound of music.
we stopped for a late lunch of veggie burgers (again) and drinks, enjoyed the crisp autumn breeze, and discovered you can not get an alcoholic drink in utah without ordering some sort of food. hmm...gelato with our wine and beer? weird but worth it for the view from the stein eriksen lodge.

stunning, mind- blowing landscape.

the sun set just as we crossed over into wyoming. and with that, we crossed time zones and jumped ahead an hour.

we drove and drove until we arrived in cheyenne just after midnight. we were lucky enough to snag a room at the historic plains hotel- western themed to the nth degree. it was pretty awesome...exactly what i was looking for. (and sal mineo has stayed there. i love sal mineo).

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