Saturday, October 10, 2009

roadtrip: day 4

today we took on nebraska...
we stumbled upon this gas station junkyard in pine bluffs, wyoming while looking for the lady of peace shrine. unfortunately she was only accessible by dirt road. we were afraid we would pop a tire so we left, defeated. but the junkyard was worth it.

this is nebraska- flat, but very beautiful.

my favorite nebraska find: the fort cody trading post. we were lured in by the 30 ft. tall sign of Buffalo Bill.

The home of Buffalo Bill

an original pony express station in gothenburg, ne

sod house museum. gothenburg, ne.
it was closed by the time we got there.

nearing omaha, ne. again- we didn't get to our destination until after dark. just in time for a late, late dinner at Jaipur Brewing Company- and indian restaurant and a brewery?!
and now, another night in a motel...

1 comment:

  1. I think it says something about my life (and lack of job) that I am secretly enjoying the road trippin'. The pictures are beautiful. I hope my husband and I can do this one day - and relocate in the process. He used to live/work in Nebraska.

    Put on some Sundays or Bill Withers. Or Stone Roses. Now that's driving music....
