Sunday, October 11, 2009

roadtrip: day 5

Waking up to snow on the ground in downtown Omaha. Neither of us prepared for snow when we were packing, but at least we got to use the seat warmers properly in the car.

The Farmers Market @ The Old Market in Omaha.

Wheatfields Bakery, Omaha.
This caramel bread pudding looked ridiculous, but we settled for a oversize cinnamon bun which kept us feeling full forever.

Snow on the ground in Nebraska.

Kum & Go..really?? Who thought that was a good idea? But they were all over Iowa.

Parts of Illinois look exactly like Iowa....corn, corn, and more corn.

And then it became autumn again.

Obsessively taking pictures from the passenger seat.

Finally, we made it to Chicago!
After many nights staying in motels where we were afraid to even walk on the floor, we indulged and booked a room at the Westin by the airport. We had plans to go out into Chicago for some pizza, but after settling in we were too tired and lazy to leave. Luckily we found a pizza place to deliver...Giordano's- world famous stuffed pizza! Of course, after about one piece we were too full to even look at it...but we did it, cross it off the list, we had Chicago style pizza.
And now I am in a rush to get out of here before check out time, so more on this later...

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