Sunday, October 18, 2009

roadtrip: day 6

Catching up on the road trip... day 6 was actually last Sunday, the 11th. We began the day in Chicago, after spending the night at the Westin, just outside of Chicago- by the airport (much cheaper!) After five days of cheap motels and sketchy highway towns, scoring a deal on a nice hotel room was, like the photo says, very nice.
After a free buffet breakfast, we finally headed into Chicago.
agenda: The Art Institute of Chicago.

Having a Ferris Bueller moment...
A Sunday on La Grande Jatte, Georges Seurat

appropriate for our road trip...
this wallpaper piece by Robert Gober

Oct. 31, 1978. (Today series, "Tuesday"). On Kawara. 1978
"Deceptively simple, Oct. 31, 1978, like all of Kawara's date paintings, both records and celebrates the simple fact that the artist, and his creative energies, existed at this point in time."

The First Part of the Return from Parnassus, Cy Twombly. 1961
"Twombly's entire enterprise is characterized by unruly marks- stammering, energetic, and raw- that merge drawing, painting, writing, and symbolic glyphs"

Couple in Bed, Philip Guston. 1977. I love this painting of Guston and his wife in bed together. Night Studio, a book by Guston's daughter Musa, gives a great narrative of the time when this painting was made, and what it means.

Cloud Gate, in Millenium Park, a new (to us) area of Grant Park in the center of the city. We spent a few minutes running around taking photos, along with everyone else...that's us in the middle.
"What I wanted to do in Millennium Park is make something that would engage the Chicago skyline…so that one will see the clouds kind of floating in, with those very tall buildings reflected in the work. And then, since it is in the form of a gate, the participant, the viewer, will be able to enter into this very deep chamber that does, in a way, the same thing to one's reflection as the exterior of the piece is doing to the reflection of the city around."
-Anish Kapoor

Next stop: Ohio....


  1. So glad made it safe! and I love the Chicago bean pictures btw!

