Tuesday, October 20, 2009

roadtrip: day 7

Again... playing catch up on the roadtrip.

Monday, Oct. 12th- waking up in Lima, OH. We had left Chicago so late the night before, that we didn't settle down for the night until 1am. We had made a short detour to visit my Ohio side of the family in Lima. But a roadtrip would not be complete without at least one problem with the car. We had been doing so well up until that morning...right up until the coolant level indicator came on. So we open the hood, check the level, everything is pretty good but now the hood won't close! The hood just wouldn't latch. We tried driving a little. The hood flew up. Bad news. Luckily my family was near by, so my uncle rescued us on the side of the road. After about 4 hours we were good enough to get back on the road. At least we got a few hours in with the family.

I had never been through Ohio during autumn...it was beautiful.

Grandpa's Cheesebarn. Ashland, Ohio. Once I saw this from the side of the road, I knew we had to stop. This is definitely a roadside gem.

The Cheesebarn!

Follow the arrows to the cheese... and then across the parking lot to Sweeties.

Amazing looking fudge- maple syrup, turtle, and blueberry. For some bizarre reason I didn't try any. I was too full?? Feeling bad about all of the junk food I was already forced to eat on the road?

Getting closer to New York!

This was the first gas station/ rest stop we saw that had all of the traditional goods- postcards, license plates, etc.

After driving through rain and scary darkness, we made it to our final destination for the night- Bellefonte, PA.

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