Monday, April 5, 2010

sale stuff

  I'm beginning to think that warm weather might actually be here to stay. Both yesterday and today I have been wearing shorts and tank tops. Yesterday it was "Faraway Places" and today it's "A Charming Girl", which I still wear and love despite being happily married! 

So to celebrate warm weather, I've added a few new things to our sale section in the Etsy shop, including some of my favorite styles from last year's summer collection like "La La Land," featured above. Check it out here.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I got to see my two adorable nephews in Massachusetts, hang out with family, eat birthday cake, had a studio appointment with the lovely Jess from Toronto, and spent Easter exploring Astoria with one of my oldest friends- lounging around at the park and drinking beer at a Czech beer garden. I don't normally drink beer, but it was a beer garden afterall, and I got to drink out of a stein. It was perfect.


  1. it's been lovely warm here too!

  2. Mmmm beer. What a great way to spend an afternoon.
    I'm glad it's getting warm for you over there!

  3. i adore this tank! it's perfect for us l.a. lovers.

    and wow, your weekend sounds woooonderful. this weather is the bee's knees!
