Friday, April 2, 2010

Top 5 with Morgan Kendall

It's Top 5 Friday again! This week we have Atlanta- based photographer & artist, Morgan Kendall. I instantly fell in love with her work the moment I stumbled upon her Etsy shop way back when. I just love her non- traditional, collage style approach to photography. The end is result is something so dreamy and entrancing that I could just stare at them forever. But I'm not only a fan of her work, I'm also a little addicted to her blog, Poloroid Cupcake.

Here are Morgan's Top 5....

Top 5 Films of Love
1. Wild At Heart – David Lynch is one of my all-time favorite directors and The Wizard of Oz is my all-time favorite movie, so of course I fell in love with this amazing story of Sailor and Lula.  (I also named my dog after Lula) 
2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind – If ever there was a love story that remotely depicted the relationship I have with my husband, this would be it.  (minus the breaking up part.)  As we were watching it in the theatre my husband whispered in my ear “you love this movie don’t you.”  Yes I do. 
3. Before Sunrise/Before Sunset – These movies go hand in hand.  It’s such a unique and simple idea and so well-executed with the ever amazing Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy.  What’s not to love? 
4. The Princess Bride – Anyone who believes in true love has to love this movie. 
 5. The Umbrellas of Cherbourg - this film is so beautiful and unique.  Not all love stories have a happy ending.

 Top 5 Books 
(this was really hard to narrow down to just five)
1. The Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger – Never have I loved a character more than I love Holden Caufield.
2.  The 14 Bears: Summer and Winter by Evelyn Scott – I am a huge fan of children’s books and this is my all-time fav.  So sad it’s no longer in print.
3. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer– I absolutely loved this book and I don’t care who knows it.  As soon as I finished reading it, I picked it up and read it again. And again. And again….
4. The Hottest State by Ethan Hawke– I just stumbled across this book at a used book store when I was in High School and not really into reading at the time.  I was however obsessed with Ethan Hawke having just seen Reality Bites and I fell in love with this beautiful and tragically realistic love story.  I’m a sucker for love stories written from the male perspective.
5. The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger – I wasn’t sure what to expect when I picked up this book, but I was pleasantly surprised.  I fell in love with Henry and Claire and all of the cute little details of their everyday life.
Top 5 Artists   
1. Robert Rauschenberg – His ability to combine painting and photography with found objects is so inspiring.  I was so sad when he passed away last year.
2. Jean-Michel Basquiat – An amazing painter who many artists have tried to copy of the past few decades.  No one paints like him.
3. Anselm Kiefer – I love his use of dark and almost ghostly imagery and very inventive materials.  His works are so amazing in person.
4. Tim Walker – I just recently discovered his amazing photographs.  They are so dreamy and playful.  
5. Joseph Cornell – His mixed media installations and shadow boxes are so beautiful and interesting.

Top 5 Crushes of All Time
1. James Dean – Is there anyone more beautiful than him? Such a shame. That boy was so talented. 
2. Ethan Hawke – One of his movies and one of his books are in my top 5 so you had to see this coming.  There’s just something about him that draws me in.  He plays his characters with such soul it’s beautiful to watch.
3. Daniel Day-Lewis – Ever since I saw him in There Will Be Blood, I was hooked.  He has a very mysterious almost dangerous look to him, with that menacing grin and those eyes, oh those eyes.
4. Robert Pattinson - He's recent and a little young, but so my type.  Tall, lean, no big muscles, pretty eyes, great smile and messy hair.
5. Chase Utley - I've had crushes on many, many baseball players throughout my life, but he's my favorite.  He's got such a cute little boy face.
Top 5 Words To Describe Falling In Love...
1. Magical
2. Surreal
3. Luminous
4. Tender
5. Unforgettable     

And now....some of my favorite pieces by MKendall Photography:

Fore more:

(By the way, we decided to have a shotgun sale in the Etsy shop- have a look here


  1. Great lists - and fun to hear your choices, Morgan! Thank you both for sharing your lists and art with us!

  2. you are so on point with all of these! Many of these are my favs too!

  3. I love, love, love this series + boy do I ever love Morgan's list. Such excellent taste.

    Happy weekend! Hope you're enjoying the beginnings of spring in the city.


  4. Wow! Morgan's work is amazing...and her love of Anselm Kiefer AND Chase Utley is making my Philly self proud. Not that Kiefer is from Philly...but everytime I'm at the Philly Museum of Art I have to stare at his painting "Nigredo" for about an hour!

  5. Fab post!! I must have to steal the idea :-) As for the movies... I've only seen one of those listed and can't wait to rent the other 4. Thanks for the recommendations!

  6. Oh I love this post! It's amazing. You have great taste. I am definitely going to check out some of those movies. :) (yay Princess Bride!)

  7. i love so much about this post. (i have a hyper-love for lists, so you have me hooked right there)!

  8. Lovely!
    I've started thinking up my own answers to these!


  9. I love posts like this because I can add things to my own lists.

    Eternal Sunshine is one of my most favourite movies too. It makes me want to dye my hair scarlet red like Clementine.

    Those photos are amazing too, I love the dark austere ones.

    Thanks Morgan!

  10. How interesting! My friend was just telling me about The Umbrellas of Cherbourg. It sounded pretty depressing though. Might have to add it to my list anyway. It looks like a lovely movie.
