Sunday, April 25, 2010

watching: broken english

I've been on sort of a Parker Posey kick since seeing her earlier this week, so I decided to watch Broken English again. I saw it back in 2007 when it was first released, but I had forgotten about it. I liked it much better the second time anyway.  If you haven't seen it, I recommend it. It's a small, quiet film about life and love written and directed by Zoe Cassavettes and starring Parker Posey and Melvil Poupaud (whom I have developed a very serious crush on.) It's also set in New York & Paris, so that's a bonus.

Watch the trailer here
(most photos found via eatenbythemonster on flickr)

Speaking of Zoe Cassavettes, did anyone else see "Hi-Octane" - the short-lived series that she & Sofia Coppola did for Comedy Central back in 1994? I know I must have some episodes recorded on VHS somewhere. Sadly, there isn't much material on youtube, but I did find this...
And this with the Beastie Boys....


  1. I love Broken English. I randomly watched it on my netflix watch free online and I fell in love with it!

  2. I watched it today!! I liked it, it had a good ending which I appreciated and Parker Posey really is genius. Hope you had a good weekend! xo

  3. i loved this movie! seems to be enjoying a renaissance on dvd which i am also thoroughly enjoying

  4. i think she did a great job with this film. i feel like a proud mom, even though we are the same age. haha. i didn't use to like parker posey, but i have really learned to love her as an artist. and really how can't you love anyone in "waiting for guffman". am i right?!!

  5. i love that movie, i just re-watched it the other day!
