Monday, April 26, 2010

HAUS comes to Brooklyn!

This past weekend was one of those magical weekends that seemed to linger on and on in the most perfect way.
One of the highlights of the weekend was the arrival of the HAUS gang in Brooklyn. I don't know if you remember me talking about Haus, but they are a new shop in Toronto that just so happens to carry Every Little Counts. Adam and I met up with William, Rachel, and Maurizio at the Roebling Tea Room in Williamsburg. We've been speaking so much online and over the phone that it was so nice to actually meet in person. I love them all beyond words. We spent the afternoon talking, drinking, thrifting, and ended with a tour of our studio in Bushwick. I think they definitely need to open up here in Brooklyn because I miss them already.
William looking extra foxy in our "Rescue Me" tank.
The very lovely Rachel.
 Maurizio wrapped up in Rachel's scarf. He has the cutest smile and drinks vodka martinis- a man after my own heart.
Snuggling up with William.
Everyone scored something at my secret thrift store.... I will not reveal the name or location. Never!
On our rooftop.

More of Haus:
Haus on Facebook
Haus on Twitter
William on Twitter
Rachel on Twitter
Maurizio in Twitter


  1. Looks like a fun day!!! And what a rooftop - amazing! :)


  2. oh I will have to get that thrift store out of you when I move to NYC so that I can shop there, I love thrifting!!

    Hop on over to my blog for a giveaway in honor of my shop being featured on Etsy!!

  3. sounds like a blast! i am so envious that you have a rooftop. we don't have a balcony, patio or anything and it's so depressing when it's nice out. aargh.


  4. ...but you should take me to your secret thrift store when I'll come again to NYC! Then I'll be back to Italy, so there's no chance I will become a regular guest stealing anything from you... And I'm the best in keeping secrets ;-)
