Friday, July 9, 2010

American Woman

I finally got over to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to see an exhibit I have been dying to see for awhile now: "American Woman: Fashioning a National Identity."  I forgot how much I love this stuff. Of course I studied costume design in college, but that was awhile ago now. This was a nice reminder of why I got into fashion.

"It explores developing perceptions of the modern American woman from 1890 to 1940 and how they have affected the way American women are seen today. Focusing on archetypes of American femininity through dress, the exhibition reveals how the American woman initiated style revolutions that mirrored her social, political, and sexual emancipation. "Gibson Girls," "Bohemians," and "Screen Sirens," among others, helped lay the foundation for today's American woman" 
From The Heiress gallery... 
From The Gibson Girl gallery...
From The Bohemian gallery... (one of my favorites!)
From The Flapper gallery... (another favorite of mine)
From The Screen Siren gallery... (again, another favorite)
*All photos from The Met's Flickr stream*

Click here for details of all the pieces in the show.
For more amazing pieces, check out the Collection Database. It's amazing.

On view until August 15th


the clothing menu said...

awesome! i love the flapper era.

lu said...

ah, ive been meaning to go to that. i gotta get over there! thanks for reminding me :) do you ever go to the (FREE!) fit exhibits? they're small but i enjoy them

Adama said...

I wish we had the same exhibition here. It reminds me that I had to do an exposé this year on Women & Fashion in the Roaring 20's for my american civilization class. It's was a great thing to research informations and build up my thing

Leora said...

Dang that sounds so interesting! I wanna go!

Anonymous said...

Now I must desperately get to a museum with some sort of fashion exhibit. This looks so spectacular!

Meggstatus said...

This would be such a stunning exhibit to witness. Even through pictures it looks stunning I can't imagine the detail you noticed when face to face with these pieces. Needless to say I am extremely envious.

AlicePleasance said...

Amazing! This is definitely anthropology of fashion!


This looks like quite an exhibit! I should be in New York again before the 15th, so hopefully I'll have the time to catch it!

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